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How Americans Can Obtain an FBI Criminal Record Check Through an FBI-Approved Channeler in 1-2 days

Obtaining an FBI criminal record check is crucial for various purposes, such as employment (teaching in Korea), immigration, or personal background checks. However, navigating the complex process can be daunting. This comprehensive guide will teach you how Americans can obtain an FBI criminal record check through an FBI-approved channeler in one or two days. Whether you're a job applicant, an aspiring immigrant, or need this record for peace of mind, we've got you covered. This guide is intended to assist Americans who want to teach in S. Korea and who must obtain an FBI CRC quickly. The information will also assist Americans who wish to receive their FBI CRC quickly for other purposes.

1. Understanding the Importance of an FBI Criminal Record Check

Before delving into the process, let's discuss why obtaining an FBI criminal record check is essential. This background check provides a detailed history of an individual's criminal activity at the federal level. It is often required for immigration purposes, specific job applications, and professional licensing. To obtain an E2-1 (private academy), E2-2 (public school), or an F4 (Korean descendant) visa to teach in S. Korea. The FBI CRC must be less than six months old from the issuance date to apply for a visa.

2. What Is an FBI Approved Channeler?

An FBI-approved channeler is a private company authorized by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to facilitate the submission of fingerprint-based background checks. These channelers simplify the process, making it more convenient and efficient for applicants. Here is a list of approved channelers here. Check the list of channelers and choose one that covers your state.

3. Why Choose an FBI Approved Channeler?

Opting for an FBI-approved channeler offers several advantages, including quicker processing times and ease of use. They can significantly expedite the process, ensuring you receive your criminal record check promptly. Typically, a channeler takes only about two+ weeks to mail in your ink fingerprints.

3.1 We strongly recommend that you use a Live Scan Fingerprinting service (Google search of “Live Scan Fingerprinting” and your closest big city) to find a Live Scan location and some companies like Accurate Biometrics only take 1-2 days if you use Live Scan to scan your prints electronically and in 1-2 days they will email you a PDF of your FBI CRC. NOTE: Once you have your FBI CRC PDF, you can get it Apostille notarized in 1-2 days if you follow my blog post here.

Example: Google search, “Live Scan fingerprinting Chicago,” and you will see many locations.

4. Gather the Required Documents

To initiate the process, you must gather the necessary documents, including a valid ID, fingerprints, and a completed application form. Be sure to follow the specific requirements outlined by your chosen FBI-approved channeler.

5. Selecting an FBI Approved Channeler

Choosing the right channeler is crucial. Research and compare different channelers, considering factors such as processing times, fees, and customer reviews. Popular channelers include Accurate Biometrics and Fieldprint. In the example above for searching for a location in Chicago, Accurate Biometrics and Certifix came up as the first and second results. They are both national FBI-approved channelers and have Live Scan Fingerprinting partners in almost every state.

6. Schedule an Appointment

Once you've selected a channeler, schedule an appointment to have your fingerprints taken at a Live Scan Location. Many channelers offer both in-person and digital fingerprinting services, providing flexibility to applicants. It only takes about 10 to 15 minutes to get your fingerprints scanned.

7. Submit Your Application

Complete the application form provided by your chosen channeler, ensuring accuracy and completeness. Attach the required documents, including your fingerprints, and submit the application.

8. Payment and Fees

Expect to pay fees associated with both the channeler's services and the FBI's processing. The cost may vary depending on the channeler you choose and the type of service you require.

9. Processing Time

The processing time for an FBI criminal record check through an approved channeler is typically faster than traditional methods. Most applicants who submit ink-rolled fingerprint cards receive their results within a few weeks compared to 8-10 weeks by going directly through the FBI. However, using a Live Scan Fingerprint service will only take 1-2 days to receive your FBI CRC as a PDF. You can also have a physical original FBI CRC document mailed to you.

10. Receiving Your Criminal Record Check

Once the FBI completes its background check, you will receive your criminal record check via mail or email, depending on your preference and the channeler's procedures. I suggest sending it to you electronically since you can email it to an apostille service, and they will print it out on special paper, notarize it by a public notary, and then get it apostille notarized. If you would like to get the FBI CRC Apostille notarized, please follow my blog post here to complete it in 1-2 days.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use an FBI criminal record check for immigration purposes?

A: Many immigration processes require applicants to submit an FBI criminal record check as part of their application.

Q: How long is an FBI criminal record check valid?

A: The validity period may vary depending on the institution or agency requesting it. Check with your specific organization for their requirements. For applying for a visa for S. Korea, they require that the FBI CRC be less than six months after the issuance date.

Q: Are FBI-approved channelers available nationwide?

A: Yes, FBI-approved channelers have a presence across the United States, making their services accessible to most Americans.

Q: Can I check the status of my application with the FBI?

A: The FBI does not provide real-time status updates. You can contact your chosen channeler for information on the status of your application.

Q: Are there any age restrictions for obtaining an FBI criminal record check?

A: There are typically no age restrictions. However, individuals under 18 may require parental consent.

Q: Can I dispute information on my FBI criminal record check?

A: Yes, if you believe there is inaccurate information on your record, you can follow the FBI's procedures for challenging the report.


Obtaining an FBI criminal record check through an FBI-approved channeler is vital for various personal and professional endeavors. Following the outlined steps and choosing a reputable channeler can simplify the process and ensure you have the necessary documentation for your specific needs.

Remember, this guide provides a general overview, and it's essential to check the specific requirements of the organization or agency requesting your criminal record check. With the right information and guidance, you can confidently navigate this process.

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FBI CRC Example

FBI CRC w/State Apostille Notarization

FBI CRC w/State Apostille Notarization

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